Chapter 2 Built-in Data Types

2.1 Import Libraries

import string

2.2 Numbers (int/float)

Two types of built-in number type, integer and float.

n = 123       ## integer
type (n)

f = 123.4     ## float
type (f)
## <class 'int'>
## <class 'float'>

2.2.1 Number Operators

In general, when the operation potentially return float, the result is float. Otherwise it return integer.

Division always return float

4/2          ## return float
## 2.0
## <class 'float'>

Integer Division returns int or float

8//3         ## div by int return int
8//3.2       ## div by float return float
## 2
## 2.0

Remainder returns int or float.

8%3          ## remainder by int, returns int
8%3.2        ## remainder by float, returns float
## 2
## 1.5999999999999996

Power returns int or float.

2**3         ## power of int to int returns int
2**3.2       ## power to float returns float
2.3**2       ## power of float returns float
## 8
## 9.18958683997628
## 5.289999999999999

2.3 String (str)

Str is an ordered collection of letters.

s = 'abcde'
type(s)      ## class str
type(s[0])   ## class str
len(s)       ## number of characters
## <class 'str'>
## <class 'str'>
## 5

2.3.1 Constructor

class str(object='')
class str(object=b'', encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')
## these are the same
str()          ## empty string
''             ## short hand

## these are the same
str('abc')     ## constructor
'abc'          ## short hand
## ''
## ''
## 'abc'
## 'abc'


Note the result contains \n at the front of the string, due to a return at the beginning of the source text.

## multiline
This is me.
Yong Keh Soon'''
## '\nThis is me.\nYong Keh Soon'

2.3.2 Immutable

  • str object is immutable. Reassigning a value completely reinitialize it with different memory location.
s = 'abcde'

s = '12345'   ## Reinitialize it as different object
id(s)         ## hence the ID is now different
## 1985785465968
## 1985785476976

2.3.3 Index-able

Although String has array like indexable capability, it is not iterateable.

string[start:end:step]  # default start:0, end:last, step:1

If step is negative (reverse), end value must be lower than start value

s = 'abcdefghijk'
s[0]       # first later
s[:3]      # first 3 letters
s[2:8 :2]  # stepping
s[-1]      # last letter
s[-3:]     # last three letters
s[:   :-1] # reverse everything
s[8:2 :-1] # till the end
s[8:2]     # return NOTHING
## 'a'
## 'abc'
## 'ceg'
## 'k'
## 'ijk'
## 'kjihgfedcba'
## 'ihgfed'
## ''

2.3.4 Class Attributes

string.ascii_letters     ## for ASCI chars
string.ascii_lowercase   ## all lower case
string.ascii_uppercase   ## all upper case
string.digits            ## 0 - 9
string.whitespace        ## all white spaces
## 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
## 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
## '0123456789'
## ' \t\n\r\x0b\x0c'

2.3.5 Instance Methods

Substitution (format, fstring)

By Variable Name - supported by fstring()

fstring is useful in a way that you can infer variable name within the text directly.

a = 'a'
b = 'b'
c = 'c'

f"{a} + {b} = {c}"                        # fstring method
## 'a + b = c'

By Positional - supported by .format()

"{} + {} = {}"   .format('a', 'b', 'c')   # format: auto sequence 
"{0} + {1} = {2}".format('a', 'b', 'c')   # format: manual sequence
## 'a + b = c'
## 'a + b = c'

By Name of parameters or dict - supported by .format()

"Coordinates: {latitude}, {longitude}".format(latitude='37.24N', longitude='-115.81W') ## parameters

## dictionary key/value
coord = {'latitude':  '37.24N', 
         'longitude': '-115.81W'} 
'Coordinates: {latitude}, {longitude}'.format(**coord)  ## dictionary key/value
## 'Coordinates: 37.24N, -115.81W'
## 'Coordinates: 37.24N, -115.81W'

Formatting (format, fstring)

With .format(), format numbers by using {: . , f %}.

'{:+f}; {:+f}'.format(3.14, -3.14)     ## show +ve -ve sign
'{: f}; {: f}'.format(3.14, -3.14)     ## show only -ve sign
'{:.1f}; {:.1f}'.format(3.15, -3.16)   ## round down/up
'{0:,}'.format(1234567890.4455)        ## show decimal and %
'{0:,.2f}'.format(1234567890.4455)     ## show comma, float decimal
'{0:,.2%}'.format(1234567890.4455)     ## show comma, % decimal
## '+3.140000; -3.140000'
## ' 3.140000; -3.140000'
## '3.1; -3.2'
## '1,234,567,890.4455'
## '1,234,567,890.45'
## '123,456,789,044.55%'

Similar result can be achieved using fstring, by just replacing by putting variable names inline.

a = 3.14
b =-3.14
c = 1234567890.4455

f'{a:+f}; {b:+f}'       ## show +ve -ve sign
f'{a: f}; {b: f}'       ## show only -ve sign
f'{a:.1f}; {b:.1f}'     ## round down/up
f'{c:,}'                ## show decimal and %
f'{c:,.2f}'             ## show comma, float decimal
f'{c:,.2%}'             ## show comma, % decimal
## '+3.140000; -3.140000'
## ' 3.140000; -3.140000'
## '3.1; -3.1'
## '1,234,567,890.4455'
## '1,234,567,890.45'
## '123,456,789,044.55%'

Text Alignment

'{:*^43}'.format('centered')                 ## '*' filler applied   
'{0:<20}   {0:*<20}'.format('left aligned')  ## '*' filler applied   
'{0:*>20}  {0:>20}'.format('right aligned')  ## '*' filler applied   
'{:^43}'.format('centered')                  ## no filler
'{0:<20}   {0:<20}'.format('left aligned')   ## no filler
'{0:>20}  {0:>20}'.format('right aligned')   ## no filler
## '*****************centered******************'
## 'left aligned           left aligned********'
## '*******right aligned         right aligned'
## ''
## '                 centered                  '
## 'left aligned           left aligned        '
## '       right aligned         right aligned'

Similar result can be achieved using fstring, which is more concised.

center = 'centered'
left   = 'left aligned'
right  = 'right aligned'

f'{center:*^43}'                 ## '*' filler applied   
f'{left:<20}   {left:*<20}'      ## '*' filler applied   
f'{right:*>20}  {right:>20}'     ## '*' filler applied   
f'{center:^43}'                  ## no filler
f'{left:<20}   {left:<20}'       ## no filler
f'{right:>20}  {right:>20}'      ## no filler
## '*****************centered******************'
## 'left aligned           left aligned********'
## '*******right aligned         right aligned'
## ''
## '                 centered                  '
## 'left aligned           left aligned        '
## '       right aligned         right aligned'

Case Conversion (upper/lower)

## 'myexeel.xls'

Searh Location (find)

.find() returns position of first occurrence, -1 if not found, and it is case sensitive.

s='I love karaoke, I know you love it too'
s.find('lov')     ## found
s.find('Lov1')    ## not found, return -1
## 2
## -1

Strip Blank Spaces (strip.lstrip,rstip)

Leading and trailing blank spaces (newline, tab, cr) will be removed.

'\n   myexce l.   xls   \r\t\n'.strip()   ## strip both leading and trailing
'\n   myexce l.   xls   \r\t\n'.lstrip()  ## strip leading only
'\n   myexce l.   xls   \r\t\n'.rstrip()  ## strip trailing only
## 'myexce l.   xls'
## 'myexce l.   xls   \r\t\n'
## '\n   myexce l.   xls'

Split & Join (split, join)

split('<delimiter>') breaks down string into a list by delimiter. Observe the empty spaces were conserved in result array

animals = 'a1,a2 ,  a3 , a4'
## ['a1', 'a2 ', '  a3 ', ' a4']

'<delimiter>.join() is the reverse of split.

'-'.join(['1', '2', '3', '4'])
## '1-2-3-4'

Replacement (repalce)

replace`(old, new, count=-1) is case sensitive. By default, it replaces all occurances (count=-1).

s = "geeks for geeks geeks geeks geeks" 
s.replace("geeks", "Geeks")     ## default replace all
s.replace("geeks", "Geeks", 3)  ## replace 3 times
## 'Geeks for Geeks Geeks Geeks Geeks'
## 'Geeks for Geeks Geeks geeks geeks'

2.3.6 Operators

printf Style Substitution (%)

This is an old style string substitution. Whenever possible, use fstring or .format() instead. They have better syntax and comes with richer formating/alignment capabilities.

my_name = 'Yong Keh Soon'
salary  = 11123.346
'Hello, %s, your salary is %.2f.' % (my_name, salary)
## 'Hello, Yong Keh Soon, your salary is 11123.35.'

Concatenation (+)

'this is ' + 'awesome'
## 'this is awesome'

Is Inside (in)

<substr> in <string>                          ## any partial match
<substr> in [ <string>, <string>, <string> ]  ## any element with exact match

This is a boolean test:

  • For string, any partial match to substring will return True
  • For list of string, any element with Exact match will return True
'abc' in '123abcdefg'            # true
## True
'abc' in ['abcdefg']             # false
## False
'abc' in ['abcdefg','123']       # false
## False
'abc' in ['123','abc','def']     # true
## True
'abc' in str(['123','abcdefg'])  # true
## True


Comparitor compares the memory address.

a = str('abc')
b = str('abc')
id(a) == id(b)
## True

2.4 Boolean

b = False

if (b):
    print ('It is true')
    print ('It is fake')
## It is fake

2.4.1 What is False ?

Everything below are false, anything else are true

print ( bool(0),     # zero
        bool(None),  # none
        bool(''),    # empty string
        bool([]),    # empty list
        bool(()),    # empty tupple
        bool(False), # False
        bool(2-2))   # expression that return any value above
## False False False False False False False

2.4.2 Operators



  • and can return different data types
  • If evaluated result is True, the last True Value is returned (because python need to evaluate up to the last value)
  • If evaluated result is False, the first False Value will be returned (because python return it immediately when detecting False value)
print (123 and 2 and 1,
       123 and [] and 2)
## 1 []


not (True)
## False
not (True or False)
## False
not (False)
## True
not (True and False)
## True
## -1


  • or can return different data type
  • If evaluated result is True, first True Value will be returned (right hand side value need not be evaluated)
  • If evaluated result is False, last Fasle Value will be returned (need to evalute all items before concluding False)
print (1 or 2)
## 1
print (0 or 1 or 1)
## 1
print (0 or () or [])
## []

2.5 None

2.5.1 None Is An Object

None is a Python object of NonType

## <class 'NoneType'>

2.5.2 Operators

Any operator (except is) on None results in error.

None & None
## Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords): TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'NoneType' and 'NoneType'


There are two ways to check if a variable is None, using == None or is None. The later is preferred.

null_variable = None        ## less preferred
null_variable == None

null_variable is None       ## preferred
null_variable is not None
## True
## True
## False